At your CareAt your CareAt your Care
South Melbourne, 3205
(Mon - Fri)
(9am - 5 pm)

Quality Care

Tailored to each Indivdual


Unity, Acceptance, Diversity


Always at your Service


Trusted by Many
About us
At Your Care, we believe in a world where every individual flourishes, surrounded by care and comfort.

Our mission is to offer you choice and control, designing customised support that emphasises reasonable and necessary solutions, ensuring value for money.

We aim to alleviate the burden of informal carers, guiding you towards growing independence. We are committed to crafting a unique and vibrant tapestry of support, empowering you to take charge of your life.

Join us in this journey towards a future where community connection and personal achievement are not just aspirations, but your daily experience.


Discover how our services unlock potential and foster independence, making every day brighter and more fulfilling for those we serve.

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Team members
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Winning Awards
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Client’s Feedback
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Completed Works
Why Choose Us

Delivering top-notch, compassionate care, tailored to each individual’s unique needs and circumstances.

 From assistance with bathing and dressing to careful medication management and nutritious meal preparation, our services are thoughtfully designed to uphold your autonomy and comfort

We offer an extensive array of domestic assistance, including thorough cleaning, meal preparation, gardening, and even organising your personal affairs, all to ensure a harmonious living environment.

We facilitate access to a variety of social and recreational activities, enhancing your ability to build and maintain connections, and develop valuable social and educational skills. Whether it’s attending local events, participating in group activities, or enjoying cultural outings.

At Your Care focuses on areas like maintaining personal hygiene, managing finances, performing house maintenance, and enhancing communication abilities.

At Your Care provides dependable transportation support, ensuring you can travel to and from various activities and commitments—be it for employment, medical appointments, or daily errands.

As an NDIS approved provider, we employ highly trained staff who collaborate with you to craft a support plan that optimizes your care, aiming for the highest standards of personalised service.



It’s always a joy to hear that the work we do, has positive reviews.


We take immense pride in the glowing reviews from our clients, as they reflect our unwavering commitment to excellence and the positive impact we strive to create in every life we touch.

Our Services

At Your Care is dedicated to enriching the lives of our clients.


Our captivating array of activities is tailored for our NDIS clients, each one designed to engage, inspire, and entertain.


Hello & welcome.
Let us tell you our story!

Stay tuned for our freshest updates and news on all things NDIS

At Your Care - NDIS Service Provider

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be a complex yet crucial journey for individuals seeking support and services.
Contact us
We’d love to hear from you! If you’re interested in our services or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Head Office :

150 Albert Road,
South Melbourne 3205


(03) 9685 7576


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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
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